Wednesday, March 5, 2014

4 Effective Tips in Finding Relief from Migraines

According to statistics by the National Headache Foundation, more than 28 million individuals across the globe suffer from migraines, with nearly half of them experiencing chronic migraines. Migraine attacks typically manifest themselves in the form of a headache, particularly on one side of the head.

It is not uncommon for you to experience spells of nausea as well as heightened sensitivity to both light and sound. Unfortunately, migraine attacks tend to occur at any moment of the day, but, recent studies have indicated that they are more likely to occur in the morning hours of the day.

Scientific classification of migraines has ascertained that there are two general types of migraines i.e. Classic and common migraines.  Unlike the classic kind of migraines, the common migraine occurs without the aura and light spots.

Migraine prevention and cure may include aspect such as changing your diet, implementing effective health stress management techniques, getting enough rest, use of magnesium supplements as well as regulation of hormones.


Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral commonly found in foods such as green vegetables, nuts and whole grains. It is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the human body, this includes: regulation of blood sugar levels, heart rhythms, blood pressure, bone health and normal muscle functionality.

Recent studies have indicated that magnesium can be effectively used in naturally curing migraines. In one particular study, it was found that an oral dose of magnesium given to 80 people experiencing severe migraine reduced it by up to 40.9% after nine weeks.

Use OF Natural Herbs

Out of nearly 100 tested herbs, none was found to be as effective as feverfew. It has so much promise in its ability to greatly reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. In fact, one study conducted on some 74 volunteers, where they received a capsule of dried feverfew each day, found that it reduced the mean number of and severity of the attacks within two months.

Try and Relax

One of the leading causes of migraines is stress. As much as it's nearly impossible to do away with stress in today's world, it is crucial that you do all you can to minimize it.  You may do this by enrolling for yoga classes, practical deep breathing and mediation.

Do Away From Any Migraine Triggers

It's a given fact that people suffering from migraine spells are usually aware of certain triggers which mark the onset of one. These triggers may vary from specific activities, certain foods, driving, jogging, alcohol, cheese, citrus fruits and so forth. Beware of these triggers and keep away from them at all cost.